tiistai 8. maaliskuuta 2011

Islamic speakers.

Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, brothers and sisters.

Here are some Islamic speakers, who speak about Islam in many lectures and in many Q & A sessions and in some of their programs. InshAllaah this would help you and if you have time to listen, to some of their lectures then it is ok.

- Dr. Zakir Naik
- Ahmad Deedat
- Muhammad Salah
- Hamza Yusuf
- Abdur Raheem Green
- Khalid Yasin
- Yusuf Estes

Here are some television stations which provide Islamic information and knowledge. And Alhamdulillaah Peace Tv can be watched through internet.

-Huda Tv
-Peace Tv

One God, second part.

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.
Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, brothers and sisters.

So I would like to continue on the topic that God is one. So what I would like to say in this writing, is the Oneness of God that God is one, without partners, children or something like that. So as muslims we believe that God is one, God has not begotten nor is He begotten. He is one and only, He has no beginning nor ending, He is eternal, ever living. And there is nothing like Him, He is unique the creation is nothing like Him, nor is He like the creation. The best example and explaining to this is one of the Sura, or Chapter of the Quran. And it is Sura Al Ikhlas, Chapter of The Purity:

112:1 SAY: "He is the One God:
112:2 "God the Eternal, the Uncaused Cause of All Being.
112:3 "He begets not, and neither is He begotten;
112:4 "and there is nothing that could be compared with Him.

And this is one thing which bestly describes God, in short way. And this is how we can say strictly that what kind of being God is, and if someone comes and says that there is God ''incarnated'' then we start and can use this as an falsification test. If this is ''God incarnated'' then we can say that he or this person who claims to be what he or she claims to be. Then we can say that you are begotten, and if she or he has children, he has begotten and by this we can tell that you are not God. And from the first thing is this verse from this chapter ''and there is nothing that could be compared with Him.'' So he should be so unique that it is impossible to compare something to him, and of course he is human and so we can always compare him to other human beings. And this is one thing, that why we say that Jesus Alayhi Salaam was not God, nor His begotten son. Because when God would beget, then He wouldn't be God, anymore as this chapter clearly states the thing, so correctly that you cannot misunderstand it.

And if we go to the thing that God would have son, then what would be thought about that begotten son of God? That he would be one day the same as his father is, a God. And once you believe in monotheism you cannot say that God would have a son, as then you would start to think that if God beget a son, then there are two gods. Wouldnt it be only logical to think like this? Because when you as a human being get a son, one day he would possibly get a son and be a father. Not as the same as you are, but in the main thing he is almost the same. If we do not look at the deeds and the personality, because of course we all have our own personality and we have our own share of good and bad deeds. And with all due respect towards every Christian, brother and sister. But we can mostly see that how illogical and irrational it is to think, that if God is one, He beget and this son should be God. But this God and the son, they are the same plus the holy spirit. So God is one, but while He is one He has three different persons. So there is no wonder, truth be told that why so many start to be atheists while they see the irrationality. Because we as humans, of course we are one in our induviduality but if we have everyone three personalities inside of us. And we all know what that would mean, and I just wanted to tell this and I wish not to hurt anyone's feelings nor their religion.

I just wish to encourage, that if it is possible like that you have computer, you can read and listen. Then why not look for proofs for things, but if you believe in what you believe then you wish to believe so. But if there is doubt in your mind, that this sounds illogical and weird, then please do yourself a favor and search for truth. Because as long, as you doubt your belief and you just live in that belief like you would be forced to do so. Then you are not doing any good to yourself. And if you are doubting your belief in Islam, then of course you too should search for information. Because once you are in the way of Islam, on the path of God. Then you should know that what do you believe in, and why. What is what, and so on. Because if you just blindly believe or stay on belief without knowledge then there is greater possibility, that you go into sin. Because you do not know that what are the, punishments and consequences of such evil deeds. So you are not fearing God as you should, and if you would have the knowledge and know it then you would certainly try to avoid it, as best as you can. Because once you know then you start to know that what is wrong, and sometimes even if you know about these things you get the feeling that you are doing something that is wrong.

But inshAllaah/ God willing you would be able to find the truth, and that God would guide you towards the truth and knowledge. And it is God who guides, it is not anyone else. There are ppl who might help you on your path, but it is God who lead you to this or to these persons. And these persons too, got their knowledge and information from God. Everything comes from God, and everything will return to God. Willingly or unwillingly. May the peace and blessings of God be upon you all, Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

maanantai 7. maaliskuuta 2011

One God.

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.
Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

So brothers and sisters today I would like to speak about the thing that God is one, without partners or helpers. So God is only one and we, as muslims believe that God is one, He sent messengers to ppl in different times to different ppl. And all these prophets may God's peace be upon of them all. All of them spread message about one God, Who has prepared unlimited reward after death for those who believe in Him, and follow His rules and the rules of His prophets who brought the commandments of God, to humanity. And for those who do not believe in Him or choose not to follow His commandments, for those He has prepared a punishment and great torment. But this is applying only to those who have heard about the message and chosen not to follow it, so those who deny after hearing from it have the choise to follow or choose, not to follow. And those who have not heard or known about it, those God will judge differently and He knows best. And even if you are a muslim, it doesn't guarantee that you would be in paradise it is quite the opposite. Because when you know about the message, you have to work accordingly to it and if you choose not to follow it, i.e. you choose to deny the rules and limits that God has set before us. And so you are making the decision not to follow, and then you are doing prohibited things knowingly.

So there are things that God has prohibited
from us, and things that are allowed to us. To put it bluntly we could say that, the things that are prohibited are things of no good. They cause hardship, sickness, evil doing, hurting someone's fellings or something that could be considered as evil or negative. And the things that are allowed are the opposite, so they are of good to us, they may heal us, they help us deal with others justly and most importantly they help us. As when we do prohibited things we cause bad to happen to us, in this life like in the next life. And the things that God has prohibited are because of something, so they are of no good to us. For an example, we as muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol. And if we look at the modern day things we can quite well see that why it is prohibited, some ppl get quite aggressive, they cause sometimes vandalism, crime and all these things which are of no good to us, nor to those who are found as victims to it. So it is better and God even rewards us for not doing things that are prohibited, and He makes our daily lives much easier in this world too, because then we are not doing things which consume time from us. Because time is one of those things that cannot be wasted for nothing, as we all know every second is unique, we cannot take it back nor live it again. And every heartbeat is ''unhealthy'' or away from us, as that is one less heartbeat for the heart to beat. :) So we should be occupied in doing good, and forbidding and trying to prevent evil/ bad things from happening, i.e. using every second for something that is useful, which is benefitting for us and to those that we are trying to help.

So what we really should do is, to make every day worth living for. Trying to strive for the pleasure of God, so that we would be able to have our resting place in Jannah (Paradise). And that we maybe would be protected from the Hellfire, from it's torment and punishment as it is something so bad that no one would, wish it on anyone. But it is God who decides, He is going to judge us without wronging any soul as He says in the Holy Quran:

4:40 Verily, God does not wrong [anyone] by as much as an atom's weight; and if there be a good deed, He will multiply it, and will bestow out of His grace a mighty reward.

InshAllaah this writing did make you think about your deeds, and what should be done and what should not be done. And inshAllaah that we would be striving in the way of Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala, so that we would help and make something that would benefit us. May Allaah forgive me if I may have stated something out of my knowledge. And may the peace and blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be upon you. :)

JazakAllaah Khair.