maanantai 7. maaliskuuta 2011

One God.

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.
Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

So brothers and sisters today I would like to speak about the thing that God is one, without partners or helpers. So God is only one and we, as muslims believe that God is one, He sent messengers to ppl in different times to different ppl. And all these prophets may God's peace be upon of them all. All of them spread message about one God, Who has prepared unlimited reward after death for those who believe in Him, and follow His rules and the rules of His prophets who brought the commandments of God, to humanity. And for those who do not believe in Him or choose not to follow His commandments, for those He has prepared a punishment and great torment. But this is applying only to those who have heard about the message and chosen not to follow it, so those who deny after hearing from it have the choise to follow or choose, not to follow. And those who have not heard or known about it, those God will judge differently and He knows best. And even if you are a muslim, it doesn't guarantee that you would be in paradise it is quite the opposite. Because when you know about the message, you have to work accordingly to it and if you choose not to follow it, i.e. you choose to deny the rules and limits that God has set before us. And so you are making the decision not to follow, and then you are doing prohibited things knowingly.

So there are things that God has prohibited
from us, and things that are allowed to us. To put it bluntly we could say that, the things that are prohibited are things of no good. They cause hardship, sickness, evil doing, hurting someone's fellings or something that could be considered as evil or negative. And the things that are allowed are the opposite, so they are of good to us, they may heal us, they help us deal with others justly and most importantly they help us. As when we do prohibited things we cause bad to happen to us, in this life like in the next life. And the things that God has prohibited are because of something, so they are of no good to us. For an example, we as muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol. And if we look at the modern day things we can quite well see that why it is prohibited, some ppl get quite aggressive, they cause sometimes vandalism, crime and all these things which are of no good to us, nor to those who are found as victims to it. So it is better and God even rewards us for not doing things that are prohibited, and He makes our daily lives much easier in this world too, because then we are not doing things which consume time from us. Because time is one of those things that cannot be wasted for nothing, as we all know every second is unique, we cannot take it back nor live it again. And every heartbeat is ''unhealthy'' or away from us, as that is one less heartbeat for the heart to beat. :) So we should be occupied in doing good, and forbidding and trying to prevent evil/ bad things from happening, i.e. using every second for something that is useful, which is benefitting for us and to those that we are trying to help.

So what we really should do is, to make every day worth living for. Trying to strive for the pleasure of God, so that we would be able to have our resting place in Jannah (Paradise). And that we maybe would be protected from the Hellfire, from it's torment and punishment as it is something so bad that no one would, wish it on anyone. But it is God who decides, He is going to judge us without wronging any soul as He says in the Holy Quran:

4:40 Verily, God does not wrong [anyone] by as much as an atom's weight; and if there be a good deed, He will multiply it, and will bestow out of His grace a mighty reward.

InshAllaah this writing did make you think about your deeds, and what should be done and what should not be done. And inshAllaah that we would be striving in the way of Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala, so that we would help and make something that would benefit us. May Allaah forgive me if I may have stated something out of my knowledge. And may the peace and blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be upon you. :)

JazakAllaah Khair.

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